Thursday, 24 September 2015

Preventive Measures against Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever is a disease caused by dengue viruses which are transmitted to people by infected Aedes albopictus mosquito.

Aedes albopictus becomes infected when it bites a person who happens to be carrier of the dengue virus and after about 8 to 12 days can transmit the virus while biting a healthy person. 

Aedes albopictus can lay eggs in small containers such as tree holes, bamboo ends, cans, discarded tyres, and rock pools holding small amount of water. 

The most effective way to prevent Dengue Fever is to stop Aedes albopictus, the carriers of the virues.  This can be achieved by eliminating the breeding grounds for the mosquito by means of good environmental hygiene practices.

For Residents on Campus

Ø          Keep all drains free from choke.
Ø          Cover all containers that hold water to prevent mosquito from accessing the water.
Ø          Properly dispose articles that are able to collect water such as empty lunch boxes, cans and glass bottles.
Ø          Ensure that plastic sheets, canvas or tarpaulin used for weather protection in open areas are properly drained.  
Ø          Change water in vases at least once a week.
Ø          Avoid using saucer to hold water from potted plants.
Ø          Clear water in saucer of potted plants every week and clean saucers with brushes to remove mosquito eggs or larvae that may attach to the surfaces.
Ø          Clear the water accumulated on tray beneath refrigerator and air conditioners at least once every week.
Ø          Clear household garbage everyday by disposing into the refuse bins which are covered properly.
Ø          Wear long-sleeved clothes and long trousers when outdoors, especially in areas close to bushes, ponds, and wetlands.
Ø          Avoid going near shrubby areas where adult mosquitoes usually rest during the day.  The most active time of Aedes albopictus would be during daytime especially two hours after sunrise and a few hours before sunset.
Ø          In areas where there is likely to be mosquitoes, apply insect repellent containing DEET (N,N-Diethyl-meta-Toluamide) on the clothes and exposed part of the body (Users should consult product safety information or physicians whether the repellents are safe for children or sensitive skin).
Ø          Install mosquito screens on windows.
Ø          Regularly inspect locations where it is likely to have drainage blocked by leaves and rubbish.  
Ø          Report to EMO if there is any defective surfaces and drainage. 
Ø     Remove stagnant water
Ø     Dispose of garbage properly
Ø     Cover water containers properly, and keep empty containers upside down to      
         avoid collecting water
Ø     Fill bamboo stumps and uneven ground filled with sand, mud or cement
Ø     Remove garbage from gullies to avoid choking
Ø     Wrap up disused tyres or punch the tyres with large holes


The common home remedies to deal with viral fever at home include -
1.      Coriander tea
2.      Dill seeds decoction
3.      Tulsi leaves
4.      Rice starch
5.      Dry ginger mixture
6.      Fenugreek water
Here is detailed information on Viral fever: 6 home remedies that can help relieve its symptoms.

While this doesn’t mean that we all need to become hypochondriacs, it does mean that we should be careful with our personal hygiene. Some common steps to keep diseases like this at bay would be to -

  • ·         Wash your hands regularly
  • ·         Avoid crowded places
  • ·         Avoid touching your face (mouth and nose) with your hands without   washing them.

Another thing to remember is that if you do have cold, viral fever or cough, avoid crowded areas, always cover your mouth with a clean hanky while coughing, sneezing or yawning.
This not only minimises the number of bacteria/viruses you transmit it also ensures that you don’t catch any other disease when you are already ill. Check out these 8 Feng Shui tips for better health.


Viral fever refers to a wide range of viral infections, usually characterized by an increase in normal body temperature. It is quite common in children and old people due to lowered immunity. People suffering from these infections also experience body aches, skin rashes and headache. However, medications are available to treat viral fever, in some cases home remedies also help you out in dealing with the condition.

Monday, 31 August 2015

Contextualizing the IT Revolution to Effective Learning - ‘the Cyber Space Concerns’

By Mr. Charles Clarance Principal   (Dr. MPS World School Agra)

At the very onset I would like to draw your attention to my key words of the Topic and that is Effective learning. The world learning in itself was a paradigm shift that modern educators evolved to the process of education.  We then added the word effective to multiply its efficacy.
The use of computers or the digitalization of Education because it is a new industry and permeates our life should not be the reason for incorporating it in the effective learning process. The second danger I perceive that it should not do more harm than good. If it teaches students to learn more that they can handle then our problems will be manifold. As educators we know to unlearn is more difficult to learn. The third important hurdle or angle that must be taken into consideration is the financial aspect. Will the usability of digitalization be cost effective? I must remind the august gathering here of the kind of marketing that is done by the digital content vendors in term of software and hardware.  The cleverly marketed product is pressed down on educators by a whole team of carefully manicured marketing strategist. The educators may fall prey to the glamour of digitalization without fully comprehending its utility. I have been exposed to redundant and terribly slow products that kill the creativity but have been installed as a marketing strategy to display on billboards. Having cleared my conscience on the predicament at hand I launch it to the plethora of using cyber space to enhance effective learning processes.
Learning is a process of self evolving depending upon the needs of the facilitators as well as the learners. The word facilitator may please be read as advance learner. Have mutually agreed that every learner has his /her own space and pace the digital content actually adds true meaning to the classroom that caters to all with its limited restricted environment and usually generalized the learning capabilities. The Digital content acts as a highway on the journey of self exploration. Once a teacher has enabled the students to relish the Solar System. The student only needs the IT tools to quench his or her thirst on the topic. These tools will work in the same way for all subjects. Our education system had given very little importance to research in the early stages of learning. IT efficacy will help students to network with all possibilities to enhance their capabilities and will enrich classrooms with added information.

The Cyber world may also give unlimited space to exhibit talent and vent ideas. Classrooms may take on a completely new meaning as learners may create classrooms of their own without limitation of geographical boundaries. The possibilities are immense but let us not throttle the possibilities due to any fears of danger of the cyber space. As humans we are known for our adaptability and the cyberspace is going to be no exception. Let me end by saying unless we do not explore we will not  break new ground.